Adams Area Fire District


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Brotherhood Standby Brings Some Work
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By Captain Doug Mellinger
July 18, 2024

Today, the AAFD sent Rescue Engine 42-2 with a crew of 5 to Freeport Station 70 (Armstrong County) to standby for our Brothers and handle any emergencies in their response area while they were coordinating the funeral services for Corey. Berkeley Hills (Allegheny County) also sent 247 Engine with a crew to assist in the standby.

During the late afternoon the tones were dropped for a large stack of hay bales on fire, which ignited a large field fire. 42 and 247 responded, bringing our brush rakes and 300 ft forestry bundle up the long drive to the field. The forestry bundle was hooked to and deployed from South Buffalo Tanker 220. Crews assisted with the extinguishment, operating on scene for just under 2 hours.

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Firehouse Solutions
Adams Area Fire District
645 Route 228
P.O. Box 232
Mars, PA 16046
Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 724-625-1210
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